Thursday, March 24, 2016

Star Wars Review

I am doing a review on Star Wars the force Awakens. If u haven’t seen it there will be spoilers, so WATCH OUT!!!!!!! Anyway, I personally though J.J. Abrams did a GREAT job on directing it. The story line was great! It was amazing to see what Luke Skywalker looked like since the 1970’s. The new characters Rey and Finn were a great touch. My favorite character was of course BB-8!!! He’s SO cute! He was the true hero to the story. I CANT BELIEVE HAN SOLO DIED!!!! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY anyway, it was so sad. I mean come on Ben!! Why’d u kill your dad!?!?!? Oops mini spoiler, more like major. Sadly this was kind of funny, but when Han died Chewie went kind of uh crazy, I was laughing quietly. Now to actually review it. It was 10 outta 5 stars! Sadly I uhh fell asleep for 30 minutes of it. :P Though my friend woke me up. It was 12:00 o’ clock at night! Anyway back to the movie. The story Line was kind of difficult to follow, or was it just me. I loved the way Rey followed in Luke’s footsteps. Finn was not the best in MY opinion. Everybody keeps yelling at me that he is a fantastic character, again it’s my opinion. I also thought that Captain Phasma should have had the spotlight a bit more. She’s a great character I expext more from her in the future movies. Maz Kanada was like a mini Yoda, but not a Jedi. She helped Rey like how Yoda helped Luke.


 My favorite scene was when BB-8 woke up R2- D2. I started crying, literally. I was really upset that there was no Jar Jar, though my dad was happy he wasn’t in it. He hates Jar Jar. I really enjoyed the movie and I hope u did too!!!!


  1. i didnt e star wars, and i havent seen any of the movies, but i like Chewbacca :) i dunno if i spelled that right......

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  3. I really enjoyed the movie. I saw it in California and it was Awesome! I thought that you wrote a pretty good summary. Your picture was cool. I cant wait to see more reviews of good movies.

  4. I really enjoyed the movie. I saw it in California and it was Awesome! I thought that you wrote a pretty good summary. Your picture was cool. I cant wait to see more reviews of good movies.

  5. I have not seen the movie.That's OK though! You just gave me a cool summary. Now I don't need to take the movie. It is a great review thank you so much!

  6. I agree that the movie was really good. And...YES! The storyline was really hard to follow, but that's true of a lot of movies. I just had to watch them again a couple of times. Once again, it was really good and pretty epic, sooo....I really don't mind that you criticized it!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the summary also.:)

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